HUMAN first, then a proud IRANIAN

This blog represents the way I see some of the most significant events impacting the world and its citizens. This blog also represents how I react to the events as a member of humanity with a voice, a determined voice that insists to be heard. The voice of an Iranian who loves his country but his priority is humanity; humanity without border. I will say what I want to say, when I want to say it, and how I want to say it, but I will never lie. I will also listen; I promise.

January 17, 2004

Khomeinie fanatics and Bush fanatics

I originially posted the following on October 10, 03. But I feel that it is still fresh and relevant. Here it is:

When revolution happened in Iran in 1979, for about a year, Iran was perhaps the most democratic country on earth. People were really involved with politics and the issues related to their country and the world. One could really enjoy witnessing the amount of information being exchanged amongst people. Many political organizations were either formed or started to surface their existence. There were nationalist groups, communist groups, and religious groups, some favouring the clerical establishment and some disapproving it. There was politics everywhere. Men, women, young and old, were all talking about politics. Some opinions were completely opposite to others, but there was discussions, sometimes heated discussions, but still discussions. Many people were happy and believed that a truly Islamic system was being formed that would bring prosperity for everyone. However, many people were trying to warn others that the clerical estabilishment would be against the interests of the country and would result in a disaster. In addition to non-religious people, many of those initiating these warnings were Muslim groups themselves and believed that the system was heading for dictatorship instead and not an Islamic just society.

During all this time the clerics gradually and with ups and downs were consolidating their grips on power, and after the opportunity that Iraq war provided to the clerics, they took a full advantage of that, and the biggest crack down of the democratic movements and peoples' demands began. US-backed war was a beginning that lead to the mass executions of thousands of the brightests of the country in early summer 1981.

Prior to this time, many people opposing the government believed that the government backers were some ordinary and honest people who were just uninformed about what was really happening behind the scenes. They continued trying to convince the pro-government people that the government wasn't really what they thought it was.

It was a hard battle, since many of the government backers were saturated so much in lies and propaganda of the government, that nothing but supporting that government would satisfy them. However, in order to make themselves look open-minded, sometimes they admitted there were some problems with the system and that the system wasn't "perfect", but they were still with the system no matter what. Many of them really did think their support for the establishment was in the interest of the country and the people.

After the beginning of the mass executions, the society began being further devided. The initial idea of "just informing the uninformed" was changing to "there is no uninformed that can be informed". The major thought was that whoever would have had the desire to know the truth, should have known it by then and the rest were bunch of idiots at best and criminals at worst. They were the enemies now. They were the reason that the criminal clerical system was in full power. They were so saturated with that system, that they had become part of it now. Many were receiving personal benefits from the system and many were just plain stupid, and this had nothing to do with whether they still believed in their religion or not. For example, many of the Mr. Khominie's followers, really did believe that Khominie's power to make decision on behalf the nation was good for the nation and that the nation was not ready to make its own decisions .

They say history repeats itself, may be with a bit modified form and in different location, but with the same main tool: exploitation of peoples' beliefs by the powerful and influential people. Now, this same history is being somehow repeated in the United States. Then were (and still are) opportunist people such as Rafsanjani who added plenty to his wealth from the situation in Iran and now are opportunists people such as Cheney in the US. In short, same personal benefits or stupidity, but this time in the name of pride and patriotism. Perhaps, things are looking increasingly like the the presence of dividing lines after summer of 1981 in Iran. Perhaps it can be said, that there are no "informable unformed" anymore. If one is still too stupid to learn how criminal this regime of washington is, he/she will remain stupid until death, just like his/her counterparts in Iran who are supporting the current regime in Tehran. The camp favoring criminals such as Bush/Blair and Co is consisted of either those so incapable to learn and to care about human life, or those who are part of the criminal establishment. Whatever they are, they are no friends of the humanity and as a result of their own actions, they create more and more enemies for themselves everyday.

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