HUMAN first, then a proud IRANIAN

This blog represents the way I see some of the most significant events impacting the world and its citizens. This blog also represents how I react to the events as a member of humanity with a voice, a determined voice that insists to be heard. The voice of an Iranian who loves his country but his priority is humanity; humanity without border. I will say what I want to say, when I want to say it, and how I want to say it, but I will never lie. I will also listen; I promise.

April 05, 2004

Oliver Stone's COMANDANTE (with Fidel Castro)

If the massive US media don't let the Americans see it and judge it for themselves, if they are so corrupt that do not want anything that is not approved by the corporations and their puppets; the US leaders, be seen, if they are sworn enemies of peoples' true rights of being informed, if.... . No worries. Thanks to Canadian CBC's Passionate Eye and thanks to Information Clearing House, there is opportunities to watch and judge anything good or bad about Fidel Castro. Also, don't miss this interview.

When I learned (but was not surprised) that Castro writes his own notes for his long speeches that he doesn't even usually need to use them, I automatically thought of George Bush and his "capabilities". To those whose hero is ...hah... Bush: Get a life.

As stated in the ICH, Due to bandwidth costs this video will only be available online 04/05/04 through 04/12/04.

Enjoy the freedom of knowing.

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HUMAN first, then a proud IRANIAN

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