HUMAN first, then a proud IRANIAN

This blog represents the way I see some of the most significant events impacting the world and its citizens. This blog also represents how I react to the events as a member of humanity with a voice, a determined voice that insists to be heard. The voice of an Iranian who loves his country but his priority is humanity; humanity without border. I will say what I want to say, when I want to say it, and how I want to say it, but I will never lie. I will also listen; I promise.

September 24, 2003

New definitions used by the White House gang

I came across This via

Eric Margolis believes:"It's very difficult keeping up with Mideast news due to the Orwellian language coming from Washington." So, he has come up with a handy list of key terms in Iraqspeak, translated into simple English.

This might also be very useful to those who keep coming up with the crap that a non-elecetd entity has the right to make major economical decisions on behalf of a nation and those who still try to sell this crap to people like "Brooklyn Bridge".

Here are some of the terms:

Dictator - A ruler you don't like, or who does not cooperate.
Statesman - A cooperative dictator.
Stability - when things go the way Uncle Sam likes, ie the status quo.
Instability - when things don't go the way Uncle Sam wants, when trouble-makers try to change the status quo.
Iraq Reconstruction - a process whereby big firms that contribute to the president's re-election campaign obtain contracts, without any bidding, to rebuild the damage caused by US bombing.
Freeing Iraq's oil assets - Washington's seizure and sale of Iraqi oil, which in no way can be compared to Cuba's seizure and sale of US-owned property, a dastardly crime.
Anti-terrorism - State terrorism.
Weapons of Mass Destruction - Nasty weapons, existing or non-existing, that the other side has. When your side has them, they become invisible.
Torture - a foul act committed by your enemies. When your side does it, it's called intensive interrogation in Guantanamo.
Fox News - The Ministry of Truth. .
Al-Jazeera News - All the bad news we don't want to hear. See Fox News.
New Iraqi government - An august body that leaps to its feet and salaams when a US soldier enters the room, and has total authority over garbage collection, sewers, and camel catching.

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