HUMAN first, then a proud IRANIAN

This blog represents the way I see some of the most significant events impacting the world and its citizens. This blog also represents how I react to the events as a member of humanity with a voice, a determined voice that insists to be heard. The voice of an Iranian who loves his country but his priority is humanity; humanity without border. I will say what I want to say, when I want to say it, and how I want to say it, but I will never lie. I will also listen; I promise.

November 24, 2003

"Deadline Iraq"; It was just horrible - Update

All day, after reading the news yesterday morning, I was thinking of the horror two American soldiers faced when they were attacked and slained by angry Iraqi teenagers. Perhaps they were still alive when they were being dragged out of their car and were getting their faces flattened by the concrete blocks by which the Iraqis were hitting them. What went to them during those few horrible minutes is perhaps even unimaginable. Two human beings perhaps with lots of hopes and plans for future. What were they thinking when they were witnessing such a sad end to their own lives, when the Iraqi teenagers were hitting them from left and right with concrete blocks and slitting their throats. What were they thinking!

I could not resist thinking about this and I could not resist being so angry at criminals such as Bush and other hawks in addition to Blair and his criminal crew. None of these bastards have sent their children to such places to be slained and yet they continue beating the war drum.

This was horrible horrible and although I consider most of the US soldiers nothing but bunch of empty headed people who are playing the role of occupiers and I never had a bit of respect for them, seeing such an end to those young lives was no pleasure but a nightmare. I always try to put myself in these kind of positions so to have a bit more clear understanding of the depth of the horror: In those last few minutes, I would think of my family, the ones that I know I would not see anymore, I would think of how they would take the news of my death, I would think of the time of loneliness when my children want their father to be on their side, to wrestle with their father, to play soccer with him, to swim with him, to fill their time of loneliness with him, I would think of my wife who would begin struggling with single-parenthood, I would picture my mother who would break right a way after receiving the news.... . No, it is not even easy and I don't want to think of it for a second.

I lived with this all day, until it was time to watch Deadline Iraq: a documentary by CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation . A documentary about the stories that were not told by the media during the Iraq war. Straight from the source, from journalists, camera operators and photographers from news organizations around the world untold horrors they witnessed.

- "Guys let's do it again tomorrow", a during-the-war scene of an excited American journalist who expressed himself after witnessing Iraqis being torn apart by the American soldiers and their weapons.

- "...Then I noticed how fun it was", another bastard journalist expresses his excitement.

- " show is on kids, let's go for it", show! This is what the other "in-bedded"bastard considered the initial stages of invasion of a sovereign country.

Many of them do not feel the same any more. But to me, they are the same animals for reacting to those horrors the way they did, even if it belongs to the past.

The documentary was incredible. The scenes were the scenes that Americans are not provided to see and since they are kept so busy with other stupid things, they don't even search for them to see what their country and their beloved soldiers did to that country. Otherwise, I am sure they would not let their leaders do what they are doing in their name.

While I was watching the celebration of American soldiers when they were killing Iraqis like they were hunting birds, While they were counting, with joy in their face, the number of Iraqis who were being burnt alive, While their excitement was obvious in their action, in every move they were making like they were playing Bowling and the more they hit the better score they would receive, While I was watching that those killers had mixed up action movies with real genocide, while ... And while...., I was also thinking about those two soldiers whose lives ended so tragically the way they did. Then I thought to myself, is it possible that these two soldiers had also celebrated the slaughter of Iraqis when they were alive and in action? Had they ever thought same thing might happen to them as well?

You can now watch the video of the documentary .

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HUMAN first, then a proud IRANIAN

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