HUMAN first, then a proud IRANIAN

This blog represents the way I see some of the most significant events impacting the world and its citizens. This blog also represents how I react to the events as a member of humanity with a voice, a determined voice that insists to be heard. The voice of an Iranian who loves his country but his priority is humanity; humanity without border. I will say what I want to say, when I want to say it, and how I want to say it, but I will never lie. I will also listen; I promise.

November 15, 2003

Is US (slowly) learning?

I have said before that the best option for the US to get out of the Iraq quagmire it has put itself in, is to set a timetable to gradually transfer the power to Iraqis.

Since the US administration is a slow learner (if at all), it has reached to the same conclusion and has recognised its present policy has failed now after many more innocent people have been killed in addition to many US soldiers.

May be it is too simplistic to say US rulers have learned enough from the Iraq unsuccessful experience, so they are now making wise decisions. The fact is that in making these decisions, US rulers have to consider many factors: mounting US casualties, Continued international disapproval of the invasion, Internal pressure as the body bags arrive and creation of a defeatable picture of the US in the eyes of world people and also seeing no victory in Iraq among many other possible reasons. But perhaps one of the most immediate impact of this unsuccessful adventure, is on the upcoming presidential elections in the US. Most US politicians would do anything (just anything) to get re-elected, particularly the un-principled politicians in the current US administration headed by George Bush (at least as it appears) and his gang who see nothing by personal benefits in evaluating different issues and options, despite the fact that it might mean suffering of many people including Americans and the US soldiers.

Having said all of this however, at least the idea of transferring the power to Iraqis is one step forward in reducing the already too much death and destruction.

Next page for the US administration to learn is to realize that as long as even one US (and British) soldier is in Iraq, the US (and Britain) will not be out of the quagmire. But if Iraqis see the US/British military machine in the process of leaving Iraq, they might make life less miserable for their soldiers in Iraq. So US should demonstrate its plan and intention that it is going to leave Iraq step by step and within a specific short timetable. Meanwhile, as the US/British presence gradually fades in Iraq, the presence of UN-lead forces should increase until all US and British armies are out and UN-lead forces are in.

Although, UN in general has left a dark memory in Iraqi minds by continuing 12 years of sanctions against Iraq which resulted in much hardship (at best) for Iraqis- and not Saddam's regime - Iraqis will be less reluctant to cooperate with the UN as they will not consider UN forces as occupying forces (at least not the way they see the US and the British). Even the duration of UN presence in Iraq should be limited to the time it takes to stabilize Iraq enough so the democratic and free elections can take place and Iraq is completely given to Iraqis and not just to bunch of US-puppets who are currently the tools of the American policies in Iraq.

Adopting and implementing such policy by the US administration, might save them from American Publics' boots in next elections. And then, if the American public remain as naive as it has been, particularly in last few years, to re-elect these people, then perhaps this administration is what they really deserve.

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